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This bibliography was kindly sent to me by Rob Whieldon of the School of Health Care, University of Leeds. It emerged from a conversation about designing inclusively for different age groups and their different aesthetic expectations. There's nothing specific to design here, but the articles raise interesting issues.

Armstrong, S. 1998, "Presenting: Generation Y TV", Independent pp. 36-37.

Becker, T. J. 2001, "Bridging the Generation Gap: Recruiting, Retaining and Managing Traditionalists, Boomers, Generation X and Generation Y", http://www.edge.lowe.org

Bynner, J., Elias, P., McKnight, A., Pan, H., & Pierre, G. 2002, Young People's Changing routes to Independence , Joseph Rowntree Foundation, York.

Cannon, D. 1997, Generation X and the new work ethic DEMOS, London.

Carvel, J. 2002a, Grandparents 'juggle career and caring'. The Guardian , 2-10-2002, p7.

Cole, A. 2003, "Into Extra Time", Health Service Journal pp. 26-28.

Doverspike, D., Taylor, M. A., Shultz, K. S., & McKay, P. F. 2000, "Responding to the Challenge of a Changing Workforce: Recruiting Nontraditional Demographic Groups", Public Personnel Management , vol. 29, no. 4, pp. 445-459.

Dowd, J. 1986, "The Old Person as Stranger," in Later Life. The Social Psychology of Aging , V. W. Marshall, ed., Sage, Beverly Hills, pp. 147-187.

Dychtwald, K. & Flower, J. 1989, Age Wave: The Challenges and Opportunities of an Aging America Tarcher, Los Angeles.

Furlong, A. & Cartmel, F. 1997, Young People and social Change Open University Press, Buckingham.

Hagevik, S. 1999, "From Ozzie and Harriet to the Simpsons: Generations in the Workplace", Journal of Environmental Health , vol. 61, no. 9, pp. 39-44.

Health Service Journal 2003, "Baby-boom bulge becomes an age concern", Health Service Journal p. 17.

Hersey, P., Blanchard, K., & Johnson, D. E. 2001, Management of Organizational Behaviour , 8th edn, Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ.

Hicks, R. & Hicks, K. 1999, Boomers, Xers, and Other Strangers: Understanding the Generational Differences That Divide Us Tyndale, Wheaton, Illinois.

Hobcraft, J. 1996, "Fertility in England and Wales: A Fifty - Year Perspective", Population Studies , vol. 50, no. 3, pp. 485-524.

Izzo, J. B. & Withers, P. 2000, Values Shift Fair Winds Press, Vancouver.

Jurkiewicz, C. L. 2000, "Generation X and the public employee", Public Personnel Management , vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 55-74.

Kabacoff, R. I. & Stoffey, R. W. 2001, Age Difference in Organisational Leadership , 16th Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organisational Psychology.

Karp H B, Sirias D, & Arnold, K. 2003, "Why Generation X marks the spot", The Journal for Quality and Participation , vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 30-33.

Kennedy M.M. 2000, "Boomers vs. busters: Bridging the generation gap", Nursing Management , vol. 31, no. 8, pp. 37-38.

Kupperschmidt, B. R. 1998, "Understanding Generation X employees", Journal of Nursing Administration , vol. 28, no. 12, pp. 36-43.

Kupperschmidt, B. R. 2000, "Multigeneration employees: Strategies for effective management", The Health Care Manager , vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 65-76.

Kupperschmidt, B. R. 2001, "Understanding Net Generation Employees", Journal of Nursing Administration , vol. 31, no. 12, pp. 570-574.

Lancaster, L. C. & Stillman, D. 2002, When Generations Collide Harper Business, New York.

Letvak, S. 2003, "The Experience of Being an Older Staff Nurse", Western Journal of Nursing Research , vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 45-56.

Lewis, S., Smithson, J., Brannen, J., das Dores Guerrio, M., Kugelberg, C., Nilsen, N., & O'Connor, P. 1998, Futures on hold: Young Europeans talk about combining work and family , Work-Life Research Centre/IOD research group.

Lower, J. 2002, "Surviving the Generational Gap in the Workplace," in Nursing Management Congress 2002: Program Book , Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, pp. 123-128.

MacManus, S. A. 1997, "The Nation's Changing Age Profile," in Generations Apart , R. D. Thau & J. S. Heflin, eds., Prometheus, Amherst, New York, pp. 110-139.

Mannheim, K. 1927, "The Problem of Generations," in Studying Aging and Social Change , M. A. Hardy, ed., Sage Publications, London, pp. 22-65.

O'Bannon, G. 2001, "Managing our future: The generation X factor", Public Personnel Management , vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 95-109.

O'Hara, M. 2003, Talkin' bout your generation. The Guardian . 22-3-2003.

O'Reilly, B. & Vella-Zarb, K. 2000, "Meet the future", Fortune , vol. 142, no. 3, pp. 144-157.

Pilcher, J. 1995, Age & Generation in Modern Britain Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Pirie, M. & Worcester, R. M. The Millenial Generation. 1998. London, Adam Smith Institute.

Reeves, R. 2001, The Young Ones. The Guardian . 3-1-2001.

Samms, C. 1995, Global Generation X: Values and Attitudes DEMOS, London.

Sheehy, G. 1977, Passages: Predictable Crises of Adult Life Bantam, New York.

Sheehy, G. 1997, New Passages: Mapping your life across time Harper Collins, London.

Strauss, W. & Howe, N. 1991, Generations: The History of America's Future 1584 to 2069 Morrow & Co., New York.

The Economist 2001, "The New Workforce", The Economist pp. 8-13.

Trapp, R. 1997, On top of the Mcjobs. The Independent , 12-13. 1997.

Tulgan, B. 1997, The Managers Pocket Guide to Generation X HRD Press, Amherst.

Tulgan, B. 2000, Managing Generation X Norton, London.

Vaughan, C. 1995, "Career Choices for Generation X: Young Doctors want flexible career paths, not long term commitments", British Medical Journal , vol. 311, no. 7004, pp. 525-526.

Wavell, S. 1998, Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work we go. Why does Generation X expect to take it easy? Sunday Times , 11. 1998.

Weston, M. 2001, "Coaching Generation in the Workplace", Nursing Administration Quarterly no. 25, pp. 2-11.

Wilkinson, H. 1994, No Turning Back: Generations and Genderquake DEMOS, London.

Wilkinson, H. & Mulgan, G. 1995, Freedom's Children: work, relationships and politics for 18-34 year olds in Britain today DEMOS, London.

Withnall, A. 2001, "Understanding Learning Styles of Older Workers", Adults Learning no. November 2001, pp. 17-19.

Zemke, R., Raines, C., & Filipczak, B. 2000, Generations at Work: Managing the Clash of Veterans, Boomers, Xers, and Nexters in your workplace AMACOM, New York.




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