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Issues in Design Culture

Julier, G. (2014) Practising Humanities in the Art School. Prova:  Royal College of Art Humanities Research Forum Journal. 2: 54-8.

Julier, G. (2009/2014) ‘How can we design pleasurable and sustainable spoons and cities?’, Paper for Exploring the Total Beauty of a Sustainable Design Culture, Kolding, 26 May 2014

Julier, G. (2011) ‘Locating Design Cultures’, paper given at the Premsela Design Cultures symposium, VU Amsterdam, Wed. 25 May 

Julier, G. (2010) English translation of ‘Más allá de los margines:  la historia del diseño, transnacionalización y globalización’ (Beyond Borders: Design History, Transnationalisation and Globalisation) in I. Campi (ed) Diseño e Historia:  tiempo, lugar y discurso, Barcelona and Mexico City: Designio, pp.117-126

Julier, G. (2009) ‘Value, Relationality and Unfinished Objects:  Guy Julier Interview with Scott Lash and Celia Lury’, Design and Culture, 1,1: 93-113.

Julier, G. (2007) ‘Design Practice within a Theory of Practice’, Design Principles & Practices:  An International Journal, 1, 2: 43-50

Julier, G. (2006) ‘From Visual Culture to Design Culture’, Design Issues,22(1): 64-76.

Julier, G. and Narotzky, V. (1997)  ‘The Redundancy of Design History’ at Practically Speaking Conference, University of Wolverhampton

Design, Political Economy, Activism

Berglund, E., and Julier, G. (2020). Growth in WEIRD Helsinki: Countering Dominant Urban Politics and its “Green” PretentionsSociální studia/Social Studies17(1), 13-31.

Julier, Guy (2011) ‘Design activism meets place-branding: reconfiguring urban representation and everyday practice.’ in Andy Pike (ed), Brand and Branding Geographies London: Edward Elgar

Julier, G. (2009) ‘Design and Political Economy in the UK’, Knowledge, Technology and Policy, 22: 217–225

Julier, G. (2008) ‘Thinking Through Design-led Urban Regeneration’, BURA Journal, 1: 18-19

Julier, G. (2008) ‘Design activism as a tool for creating new urban narratives‘, Conference Paper, Changing the Change, Turin

Julier, G. (2005) ‘Urban Designscapes and the Production of Aesthetic Consent’, Urban Studies,42(5-6): 689-688.

Julier, G. (2005) ‘Jak to robią Wielkiej Brytanii (Design Promotion in Britain)’, 2D+3D, July: 54-60.

Julier, G. (2005) ‘Design and the Accumulation of Cultural Value’, 300% Spanish DesignBarcelona: Electa.

Julier, G. (1997) ‘Redrawing the Geography of European Design:  The Case of Transitional Countries’ in Contextual Design, Design in Contexts, European Academy of Design Conference, Stockholm

Julier, G. with Hoffman, S. (1997)  ‘Design Institutions and the Transition to Democracy:  a Comparative Case Study of Spain and Hungary’ paper given at Design, Government Initiatives and Industry Conference, University of Brighton